Storage Tank Testing and Inspections

Discover why companies choose Genesis Environmental Solutions for aboveground and underground storage tank inspections and testing.

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Certified Storage Tank Inspectors (NDT)

Genesis Environmental Solutions’ provides full-service aboveground storage tank (AST) and underground storage tank (UST) inspection services, including AST integrity testing, in-service inspections and non-destructive testing (NDT). Our personnel have extensive experience, specialty training and state of the art equipment for inspecting any type of tank including fuel, oil, asphalt, water and chemical tanks.
API 650 constructed tank for API 653 Tank Inspection

API 653 Storage Tank Inspection

The API 653 Tank Inspection standard applies to atmospheric field-erected aboveground storage tanks that were constructed to the API 650 standard or the older API standards. Our certified inspectors will assess the tank's foundation, bottom, shell, roof and overall structure for signs of current and potential failure. Attached appurtenances and nozzles will also be inspected.

STI SP001 Storage Tank Inspection

The STI SP001 standard applies to shop-fabricated and small field-erected tanks (your inspector can determine if your field-erected tank requires an API or STI inspection). Our certified inspectors will test the tank's wall thickness, in addition to assessing the foundation, supports, anchors, gauges, alarms, valves, vents, insulation, appurtenances and connections. They will also check release prevention barriers and spill control systems.

Fabricated fuel tank for STI SP001 Storage Tank Inspection
API 1631 Storage Tank Inspection

API 1631 Underground Storage Tank Inspection

The API 1631 Tank Inspection standard applies to the interior lining of existing steel and fiberglass reinforced plastic underground tanks and periodic inspection of steel underground tanks used for the storage of petroleum-based motor fuels and distillates. Our certified inspectors will identify areas where corrosion has taken place and metal thickness has been reduced. Nondestructive metal thickness determinations may be made by ultrasonic or other testing methods.

Cathodic Protection Testing

Underground steel storage tanks require cathodic protection. A properly working cathodic protection (CP) system will allow corrosion to take place at the anodes and not UST system. Genesis personnel are qualified to conduct periodic inspections to insure that your CP system is providing the correct amount of protection against corrosion.

Cathodic Protection on Vessel
Storage Tank Inspection

Certified to Do the Job Right

Our personnel have certifications from both the American Petroleum Institute and Steel Tank Institute for in-service inspections and operation of these tanks, including:

  • American Petroleum Institute (API) 653, 510, 570, and 1631 Certifications
  • Steel Tank Institute (STI) SP001 Tank Inspection Certifications

This combination of expertise and nationally recognized certifications allow us to provide services for all types of projects – from a single fuel station tank to field-built erected tank farms.

Pressure Vessel & Piping Inspection

Genesis Environmental Solutions also provides a full range of pressure vessel and piping inspection services, including non-destructive testing (NDT). Inspectors are API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection certified and API 570 Piping Inspection certified by the American Petroleum Institute.

Pressure Vessel Example

Genesis Environmental Solutions, Inc. is a Native American Owned Business. MBE and DBE certified.

Contact us today to request an estimate for your next project

NDE Tank Inspection Services

Genesis offers the following non-destructive evaluation (NDE/NDT) services
ASME, AWS and API NDE Inspections
Inspectors Certified to ASNT SNT-TC-1A
Vacuum Box Examination (VB)
Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL/MFE)
Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT)
Visual Testing (VT)
Shell Plate UT, Head UT, and Through Coating UT
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
Penetrant Testing (PT)
Dry Film Coating Inspection
Ultrasonic Shear Wave Testing (UTSW)
Cathodic Protection Testing

Project Examples

YRC Worldwide Tank Inspections Project
Inspections in 7 States

Performed tank cleaning and API 653 tank inspections and similar service inspections for YRC Worldwide.

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Tank Cleaning Project
Inspection & Cleaning

API 1631 inspections and cleaning of three underground fuel storage tanks for City of Independence.

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West Plains Tank Inspection Project
Inspection & Coatings

An API 653 inspection in addition to a coatings and lining application for West Plains Energy.

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Our Clients

Just some of the clients that Genesis has completed projects for.

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